SkyPoint Board Meetings - Exposed! (LOL)
Often times I hear people comment when asked why they don't attend board meetings and over and over I hear the same answer. "No one is going to listen to me anyway and the Board just does what it wants". With few exceptions, SkyPoint does not operate that way at all. Let me explain, if you are curious.
The Association
The Association is a not for profit corporation and governs itself according to Florida Corporate law, Condo law, and our governing documents.
The Residential, Retail, and Commercial parking unit owners are the shareholders in the corporation we call the Association. Each year the membership must meet, and elect directors that will conduct the business of the corporation on behalf of the membership.
The SkyPoint Board consists of five (5) directors; three (3) Residential Class Directors; One (1) Retail Class Director; and One (1) Commercial Parking Class Director. Each director has one vote.
After each election there is an organizational meeting. At this meeting the named directors are chosen by the new Board. There is a President, Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Each position comes with it certain duties and responsibilities that are essential to the operation of the Association. Regardless of the title, all directors must obey all laws and swear to defend and uphold all provisions and covenants of the governing documents, without exception.
Board Meetings 101
The Board of Directors usually meet monthly to conduct the business of the Association. 75% of the time that deals with finances as we each have a fiduciary responsibility and obligation to thoroughly understand and account for all funds and to spend each and every dollar wisely and appropriately.
In order to conduct any business (i.e. vote on any item) a quorum of the directors must be either present or on the phone. In our case it takes 3 directors to proceed to a vote.
I usually chair the Board meetings. The chairman is essentially like the conductor in an orchestra, but instead of the written music as the basis for order, we use what is called the Roberts Rules of Order. Written over 100 years ago, it can be thought of as the rules of the road for meeting procedure with the emphasis on order, respect, and fairness.
All meetings have an agenda that identifies individual items that may be addressed during the meeting. This agenda must be posted in the mail room (our official place of notice) 48 hours prior to the meeting. Though not required we usually supplement this notice with additional notices such as email for our out of town owners.
In order for the Board to vote on an item it MUST be on the agenda. Florida law and our documents also require that BEFORE any vote is taken each unit owner will be given the opportunity to comment on the agenda item for up to 3 minutes. Rarely is anyone cut off. I will stop anyone that becomes verbally abusive to any individual. Attack policy not people, Where possible, offer a solution.
Now there are times when say for example Unit Owners feel strongly about something and voice those concerns. We have a duty to protect and enforce the documents and when the documents are contrary to the majority voice it may leave with a feeling that you were not listened to. Our governing documents are not perfect and though not frequent by any means will put us at odds with the majority. That may be difficult for some to understand but in those rare occasions where our hands are tied there too is a process to change the documents. It is a very difficult process but there is a process none the less.
A wise man that has chaired many a meeting gave me some great advice. When faced with an agenda item that he was certain would likely be controversial, he reminded everyone that they all came as friends and he wanted them to leave as friends. If they wanted to be angry at someone they could be angry at him, the Chair. If that was what it took to make his point he was willing to be the bad guy so long as he could save just one friendship. What a great philosophy, and it is especially true in a high rise condominium.
Fortunately we rarely have heated board meetings and in my humble opinion it is because of the open process that I have explained above. Your voice is important and I hope if you wrote off going to a Board meeting because of a preconceived idea about being shut out, that you come and give the next meeting a try.
See you at the next BOD Meeting!
The Residential, Retail, and Commercial parking unit owners are the shareholders in the corporation we call the Association. Each year the membership must meet, and elect directors that will conduct the business of the corporation on behalf of the membership.
The SkyPoint Board consists of five (5) directors; three (3) Residential Class Directors; One (1) Retail Class Director; and One (1) Commercial Parking Class Director. Each director has one vote.
After each election there is an organizational meeting. At this meeting the named directors are chosen by the new Board. There is a President, Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Each position comes with it certain duties and responsibilities that are essential to the operation of the Association. Regardless of the title, all directors must obey all laws and swear to defend and uphold all provisions and covenants of the governing documents, without exception.
Board Meetings 101
The Board of Directors usually meet monthly to conduct the business of the Association. 75% of the time that deals with finances as we each have a fiduciary responsibility and obligation to thoroughly understand and account for all funds and to spend each and every dollar wisely and appropriately.
In order to conduct any business (i.e. vote on any item) a quorum of the directors must be either present or on the phone. In our case it takes 3 directors to proceed to a vote.
I usually chair the Board meetings. The chairman is essentially like the conductor in an orchestra, but instead of the written music as the basis for order, we use what is called the Roberts Rules of Order. Written over 100 years ago, it can be thought of as the rules of the road for meeting procedure with the emphasis on order, respect, and fairness.
All meetings have an agenda that identifies individual items that may be addressed during the meeting. This agenda must be posted in the mail room (our official place of notice) 48 hours prior to the meeting. Though not required we usually supplement this notice with additional notices such as email for our out of town owners.
In order for the Board to vote on an item it MUST be on the agenda. Florida law and our documents also require that BEFORE any vote is taken each unit owner will be given the opportunity to comment on the agenda item for up to 3 minutes. Rarely is anyone cut off. I will stop anyone that becomes verbally abusive to any individual. Attack policy not people, Where possible, offer a solution.
Now there are times when say for example Unit Owners feel strongly about something and voice those concerns. We have a duty to protect and enforce the documents and when the documents are contrary to the majority voice it may leave with a feeling that you were not listened to. Our governing documents are not perfect and though not frequent by any means will put us at odds with the majority. That may be difficult for some to understand but in those rare occasions where our hands are tied there too is a process to change the documents. It is a very difficult process but there is a process none the less.
A wise man that has chaired many a meeting gave me some great advice. When faced with an agenda item that he was certain would likely be controversial, he reminded everyone that they all came as friends and he wanted them to leave as friends. If they wanted to be angry at someone they could be angry at him, the Chair. If that was what it took to make his point he was willing to be the bad guy so long as he could save just one friendship. What a great philosophy, and it is especially true in a high rise condominium.
Fortunately we rarely have heated board meetings and in my humble opinion it is because of the open process that I have explained above. Your voice is important and I hope if you wrote off going to a Board meeting because of a preconceived idea about being shut out, that you come and give the next meeting a try.
See you at the next BOD Meeting!
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